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Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm back !(who cares?)

I'm back guys. Yeah, who cares I think. I want to share my life recently. Huff~

I think this post will be long enough. Oh I think I will write this post in Bahasa Indoonesia better. =D

Let's start.

Minggu lalu, tepatnya tgl 18 mpe 22 may, gw ma temen-temen sekolah pagi ke Bali! Yeaahh. It rocked! Seru abis. Kita ngerusuh disana. Dari awal keberangkatan aja udah pada ngerusuh gitu. Hahaha. Let me tell y'all one by one how we made those noise.

First day

Gw sama temen-temen nyampe di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang kira-kira jem setengah 6an gitu, ngumpul di terminal 2F. Kita semua di tag-in bagasi-bagasi kita terus pada check in. Berangkat dari sini, Jakarta kira-kira jem 6an kali ya, gw lupa. Ehehehe.

Karina, Yani, Hana, Ferie at Terminal 2F departure, Soekarno-Hatta Airport 18/05/09

Pas di pesawat, kegemparan terjadi. Kita kan banyak orang gitu ya, jadi rame gitu dong. Semua pada norak, berisik banged, kayak gak pernah naek pesawat aja. Sampe di protest ma pramugari sama penumpang laennya gitu. Duh, malu-maluin banget la pokoknya, tapi seru abis. Hahaha, maaf ya yang lainnya.

Nah, begitu nyampe di Bali dengan selamat sentausa, kita pada langsung cabut ke kintamani untuk makan siang. Huahua. Gile ya, nyampe pagi langsung makan siang.

Eunice, Me, Janice at "All You Can Eat" restaurant at Kintamani, Bali. 18/05/09

Terus abis dari kintamani kita ke pasar Sukawati belanja mpe mabok. Gila, pertama gw kira tu pasar lumayan lah ya, kayak pasar di Jakarta gitu. Ternyata, ajubilee, sempit banget n pengep banged. Duh mpe pusing lah pokoknya. Tapi lumayan, gw dapet celana pendek 2 dengan harga murah meriah, cuma 20 ribu satunya ma kaos barong cuma ceban. Sama gw beli tas rotan seharga 50 ribu. Lumayan lah, gede gitu, tapi lumayan mahal. yah lumayan lah.

Abis itu kita ke Jimbaran! Untuk makan malem. Hahaha. Sebelom itu kita dikasi waktu buat foto-foto, maen di pantai. Sambil nunggu sunset, yang juga kurang gitu bagus pas waktu itu, kita foto-foto! Banyak banget kita foto-fotonya.

Cine, Yani, Anky, Valen, Ines, Amy, Monica, Karina, Eunice, Jane, Gracia, Janice at Jimbaran beach waiting for sunset 18/05/09


Cine, Yani, Anky, Valen, Ines, Amy, Monica, Karina, Eunice, Jane, Gracia, Janice at Jimbaran beach.

Jane, Monica, Karina at Jimbaran Beach. Nice Picture. I like this one! Haha

Mpe capek sendiri, abis itu kita makan malem. Menunya LOBSTER! Gila, gw kira tuh satu lobster buat rame-rame, ternyata 1 lobster 1 orang! Trus masi dikasi kangkung cah, satu orang satu, trus ada ikan satu ekor, cumi goreng, udang, kerang, dll.

WOOOW! We ate that much that night.

It's moi. Haha.

Gile dah kenyang banget hari itu. Seru lah, abis itu kita langsung ke hotel. Oiya lupa, sebelomnya kita sempet mampir ke Circle K buat ngerusuh! Hahaha, gak lah, kita pada beli makanan dll gitu lah. Setelah tiba di hotel, kita dikasi briefing bentar, pembagian group (supaya gak ilang si katanya, padahal groupnya gak guna!) abis itu langsung cabut ke kamar masing-masing. Oiya, kita juga dikasi jem malem sampe jem 12, setelah jem itu, kita harus balik ke kamar masing-masing untuk tidur. Tapi nyatanya, kita semua tetep aja bandel. Ada yang pindah-pindah kamar, ada yang sampe nginep di kamar orang sampe pagi! Oiya, ada berita suka cita pas begitu kita nyampe di kamar kita masing-masing. Kamar kita CONNECTING! Hahaha seru abis! Dan udah gitu, kan gw sekamar sama Eunice, si kecil. Kamar kita connecting sama Clairine ma Jessyy!! Tukang rusuh tu dua! Sampe begitu nyampe aja kita dah di complain sama securitynya gara-gara terlalu ribut! Mwahahaha. Tapi seru! Terus Caro, Manda juga pindah ke kamar Jessy ma CH. Seru abis! Jadi rame! Yuhuuuu. Banyak banget deh kejadian seru.

Nyahahah, gw kunci diluar! Ahahaha Ch and Eunice

Sama Jessy ma CH. Dua-duanya gembleng, ahahaha jokiiinnnggg =D

Terus malemnya, kita pada nonton Romy Rafael, Master Hipnotis di RCTI. Haiyaah, abis itu dah ngantuk tidur deh.

DAY 2~Waterbom wet day!

Nah ini seru! Dari pagi jem 6 ada morning call. Tapi ternyata oh ternyata, morning call di kamar gw gag bunyi! Huaaaaaa. Akhirnya kita telat, jem 7 baru bangun, trus langsung cepet-cepet. Untung aja malemnya gw dah beres-beresin buat hari itu ke waterboom. Jem 8 lewat, kita semua cabut ke Waterboom, Legian, Kuta! Yeeeeaaah, seru! Kita main slides-slidesnya semua. Paling seru sih kata gw Boomerang Slide. Baru tuh katanya di Bali. Seru abis. Gw sempet naek 2 kali, eh begitu mau naek yang ketiga kalinya, ngantri banget tuh sampe dari bawah perosotannya aja udah ngantri. Yaah, jadi males deh.

Abis berenang kita mandi! Ya iya lah ya. Nah abis itu, kita dapet makan siang, tapi harus ke KFC yang di Discovery Mall depan Waterbom.

Me, Gracia, Eunice, Janice in front of Discovery Mall, Bali.

Setelah makan, kita harus ikut KUTA TIRING AMAZING RACE. Sebenernya menurut gw gag ada amazing-amazingnya sama sekali. Huahuahua. Tapi cukup seru si. Kita ngejemur gitu di panas terik matahari mencoba untuk survive menjalani 25 macam tantangan hanya dengan 10 ribu per orang, padahal kalau beneran bisa menghabiskan (katanya sih) 3 juta per orang. Ya iya lah, orang tantangannya gak masuk akal semua. Kayak, naek harley davidson terbagus di bali, makan lobster terbesar di bali, makan babi guling terenak di bali itu yang pake banyak duit. Terus yang ngaco-ngaco semua ada ajak bule ikut senam sehat di pantai, peluk dan cium sumo terbesar di bali, foto dengan banci keren, bikin video klip dengan mengajak orang menari dan nyanyi di pantai kuta, pakai alat diving sambil jalan-jalan di pantai kuta, ngamen di sepanjang jalan legian, dll dll masi banyak yang aneh-aneh. Nah kita tuh ngejalanin 25 tantangan itu tanpa muka! Gila kita pada gag tau malu semua ngejalaninnya. Tapi hasilnyaaa, we won the SECOND PRICE! Hahahah lumayan kaaann. Dapet 350 ribu bagi rame-rame. Nyahahahha. Seru abiiisss.

Ki-ka, Atas-Bawah: Ferie, Janice, Jesse, Caro, Anky, Manda, CH, Tasha, Gracia, Eunice, Gw.
Saat kita disuru pake baju seragam satu group, dan kita punya usul, gimana kalo kita buat bajunya pake koran? Nyahahah. Sampe dipuji loh, kita kreatif! Hahahahah

Suru foto sama semua guru pendamping. Inilah hasilnya!

Kertas kita HANCUR! Gara-gara dipake buat rame-rame ber 11. Hahahah

Weeeeeeww, badan abis itu langsung remuk semua! Capek banget. Abis itu kita langsung balik ke hotel. Oiya, gw belom kasi tau. Hotel kita selama 2 malem pertama adalah Puri Saron yang terletak di Seminyak, Bali. Hotelnya lumayan lah. Enak, kita dapetnya satu lantai buat anak ipeka semua, kayak hotel itu punya kita doang. Tapi ada juga yang di lantai lain yang ada turis-turisnya juga. =D Balik lagi. Abis itu kita pada istirahat sebentar, terus harus cepet-cepet turun ke area kolam renang untuk dinner bersama, karena itu malem terakhir kita di hotel itu.

Gracia, Amy, Janice, Eunice, Monica, Jane, Me.

Oiya, malem itu kita dapet kejutan! Gini awal ceritanya. Waktu sebelom berangkat ke Bali, tepatnya pada hari terakhir kita sekolah, dengan seragam SMP, putih biru, saking senengnya karena kita udah mau lulus dari SMP dan udah gag pake seragam itu lagi, kita coret-coret tuh baju pake spidol warna warni dengan tulisan kenang-kenangan dari temen-temen. Alhasil, ketauan guru lalu DISITA! Nah pada malem di Bali itu, kejutannya adalah BAJU KITA DIKEMBALIIN SEMUA! Seneng banget gitu semuanya. Kita kira udah mau diapain. Abisnya serem banget kayak udah mau dihukum mati aja dikasi taunya. Huahuahua.

Ni dia gambarnya. Huahuahua~

Abis itu kita balik ke kamar masing-masing. Tapi seperti biasanya, kita pada nongkrong di kamar tetangga ngerusuh. Tapi, karena hari itu udah capek, dan kita harus udah packing buat pindah ke hotel selanjutnya buat 2 malem berikutnya, yaitu HardRock Hotel, Kuta, kita dah gag gitu rusuh deh. Cuma maen kartu babi, terus udah malem sambil nonton Deddy Corbuzier Master Mentalist di RCTI, kita dah pada tewas satu-persatu. Nitez everyone! =D

...To Be Continued.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am Satisfied. (?)

HAHA. Look at the title and I am sure you will ask 'What happened to this cool girl? Yeehaaa, I will answer your question. Because I am cool and popular.

Today, I went to Satoo restaurant at Shangri la hotel for my friend's birthday lunch. Happy birthday, Kathy! And, I ate a lot! A LOT! Oh never mind, I don't care because she paid the bills. Mwahaha. Nah, it's a buffet lunch, so we are forced by her mom to eat a lot. Ahahah.

Afterwards, we went to EX, Plaza Indonesia and Grand Indonesia. I shopped a lot at those malls. I bought 2 dresses at Forever21 in Grand Indonesia. And also 2 headbands, one red and one white with cool bows on them. I also bought something else and 2 magazines and others.

Oh today I am tired. I went from 12 o'clock up to 8.30 til I went home. I walked a lot. Now I am lying in front of my computer typing this stuff. (:

Oh, today my friend, Chelle had also made me an icon which I have requested. Let's take a look.

It's nice right? And so coooooool! I love the green color and also the magician-looked-like. I have requested that look! Love it. Thanks Chelle!

I am so tired so I didn't make any polyvore set today. Maybe tomorrow or someday I will make another one. Oh right, tomorrow I must go to school to practice speech that I will present on the thanksgiving ceremony or something on Friday. Oh suck. I haven't practice at all! And I haven't memorized it at all!

Okay, it's night already. I want to read my magazines that I have bought today and sleep! Bye all.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh Happy Day..

Weheee. I have passed my last exam day! But you better don't ask the results of my exams. They were all became terrible, since I was not study at all! Haha.

Today, after the shitty exams and rehearsal about the thanksgiving meeting or something which I don't care about, I ended it all up by going to the mall to go some shopping! I went to Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia and EX today, and I have a lot of fun today.

Oh right people, today, I have made another set of polyvore! Let's take a look.

I love green so I came up with this set. ><" Haha. I know it's kinda random but I like the color. (:

It's that nice enough? I like the color though.

I need comment people! You can comment on my polyvore site at here. You can take a look of my sets though and give comments! Teehee people. (: Ehehe.

It's night already. I was very tired today because of a lot of walks that I took today. Good night people. See you soon. (:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh My..

I haven't study at all! And I have made another set of polyvore today! Yey! Let's take a look.

This is my first circular mosaic set on juicy stuff.

I love Juicy brand. All of the stuff are cool and awesome. Love them all. (:

And this:

I got some fabulous pictures of Ashley Tisdale randomly, so I came up to make this set. Is it nice?

Oh my God. I haven't study at all! Imagine that everybody! I haven't study! So I must stop and start to study. Bye people.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's weekend, people!

Weee. Today is Saturday and it's weekend! I have made two more sets of polyvore today. Let's see.

Dance as though no one is watching
Love as though you've never been hurt
Sing as though no one is hearing
Life as though heaven is on earth

This one is the first one. Dance theme. I just made it randomly and spontaneously as I have seen a nice picture about dancing. I thought it's quite nice. (:

and this is the second one. Actually I made this last night. But I haven't finish it and I continue finishing it today.

Nice, no? I like Ashley Tisdale. She's gorgeous.

Oh right. Remember about The Master show that I have talked about yesterday? Remember about Joe Sandy that I was talking about who I wanted him to win that show last night? And finally! HE WON! Finally! Finally! He won against Limbad, the fakir, scary-looked magician. Ahahaha. Last night, Joe Sandy's performance was spectacular. His performance was a collaboration between him and Romy Rafael for the first one and the second one was like a test from The Master Mentalist Deddy Cobuzier but it was also called a collaboration. Very spectacular and incredible. I like his performances and he is deserved to get the title "The Master". (:

FYI, Joe is the right one and Limbad is the left one. Joe is cute right?

Weeheee. Joe won about 7% or something over Limbad. Huurraaayy for Joe! Congratulation. I am very happy because I had support him since I saw his first performance which was very awesome.

The complete performances of all of the candidates also were awesome yesterday. All were incredible and perfect. I like them. (: Maybe you can search their performances and watch it in youtube.com.

Today I also went to Senayan City to see a painting exhibition. Those paintings are for an auction tomorrow. My mom has reserved 4 paintings and join the auction tomorrow. She really like the paintings and I think they are quite nice and artistic. Hope she won the auction and the paintings can be hers.

Oh my. Tomorrow I already have to start study for Monday's last two exams if I don't want to fail again. Huah. But it's okay because Monday will be the last day for exam and also will be the last day for school in my Junior High School. But forget it. I just want to use today as good as I want to play, read and doing my random stuff before I start to study tomorrow.

So, that's all for today. Maybe tomorrow or some how I will publish another post again. See ya people.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I'm back people. And yeah, Monday is the last day of final exam. Finally. Right, haha. And there's also a bad news for me of course. I have failed on my Economics exams I think. I can't do it well. Yeah, I know that I haven't ready yet when I gonna face that exam. Oh, so whatever. Forget it. I know it's my fault that I was not prepared it well. Okay, forget it. For Monday I will face Chemistry and Chinese exams which are the last. Yeah. I will study on Sunday however. And today is Friday everybody! Woo-hoo! Forget about exams for a while and enjoy weekend!

Yeah, I have made another combination of fashion in polyvore.com which adding my collections. Actually I made it yesterday night. But I post it today because yesterday was too night for me to post this thing up and well it was actually the time for me to study people. Oh suck.

Blue, red and white.
Those colours are what you have seen.
Gives a perfect combination
of what you see on a flag of London.

Oh right, I like those! It's simple yet adorable. It looks like London street style. Love it.

And this

Want all of those candy floss
Only with summer dress and summer hat
Neither I choose
Dark sunglasses
Enjoying holiday much
Really happy playing around
Living like a child
Another story with my peeps
Nice on the cameras
Day in a wonderland

It created today. I don't really like this one as much as the previous one. But it's colourful and really nice. I like the blue summer dress. Looks gorgeous. Oh and the green Juicy bag! Crave for it really bad. Love the color. Oh, and also the shocking pink camera buzzer! Adorable!

Oh, today I have also bought books that I have already waited and wanted so bad. Those books are Titanium by Sitta Karina, Sang Maharani by Agnes Jessica, two comic books Miiko#19 and Detective Conan#53.

I have been waiting for those books since ever. And I also bought Gogirl May 2009. That's all about passion and I quite interested in it. The cover is the famous Lady Gaga with her single top "Just Dance".

And today is the result show of the Master in RCTI! Yey! Gonna watch it soon. I choose Joe Sandy, everybody! He is cool, he is smart, he is awesome! Hehe. Hope he will win and get the title 'the Master'.

I quite addicted to it. Actually I quite interested in magic world. I want to be like them. I have learn several magic tricks. And I think the magic tricks which I had learned is just too simple. Haha. I want to learn more and be like them! Love them. Love the show. It's really interesting.

Okay, that's all for today. I gonna come back tomorrow if possible. Bye~

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bored of Study.

Cows, Ranches and Cowboys.
Make a perfect combinations in Country.
Boyfriend shirt, shorts, boots and cowboy hats.
Goin' Country Goin' Woo-hoo.

on 07/05/09 during exam days (: haha

Black sky, glimmering lamps and sparkling clubs.
Perfect life in a middle of LA's night.
Leather jacket, ankle boots, and little white dress.
A glamorous life ahead to rock.

on 06/05/09 also during exam days.

A city of love and romance.
With its lovely symbol, Eiffel tower.
A combination of black and white and a little speck of red. Perfecto!

I also made this today 07/05/09, cuz of my laziness of studying Economics for tomorrow's exam. (:

I'm bored of study so I started to make those three. It's nice though I think. (: I like all of them. It's rockin! Yeah.

Likin' those kind of fashions. I gonna to make more tomorrow cuz it's Friday already. Two more exams will be held on Monday. Yey! It will be my last exam day. (:

Gonna tell you all soon. Bye~